I recently did a presentation titled “All Things Google” in Atlanta for a conference called REtechSouth now called RETSO. During the presentation I went through several basic Google platforms that are out there to help enhance your business. We covered tools like Google Analytics, Google Voice, Documents, Feedburner, and many more. Below you can watch my entire 35 minute presentation. Also, I have attached the slides below as well in case you cannot read them well in the video.
A big thanks to Bobbi Howe for recording the session for me.
i am interested in everything that is connected with google. so it was very interesting to watch this video. i liked it and managed to undertand everything..almost. so thanks a lot to the author!
Sorry I missed it live … I was kind of busy next door. Thanks for posting so I can see, too.
Tom- Glad you were able to follow along!
Ken, do you have a copy of your presentation?