Most of my friends on Twitter know by now that I am somewhat of an addict. (Remember, I took 2 full days & found over 125 different Twitter Applications!) I find myself at times spending multiple hour blocks of time on the site talking to new & old friends. One of the ways I love to feed this addiction is by participating in Twitter chats throughout the week. If you didn’t know, there are chats that take place each & every day out on the web. You can see a pretty good list of those chats in this list.
One of my favorite chats is on a Sunday night hosted by Mack Collier called #blogchat. I will give you a fair warning, this chat is not for faint at heart. Normally there are several hundreds of people participating with thousands of tweets screaming by at the speed of light. I have several who have asked me in the past how in the world I can keep up with such a wild ride. I normally just give the standard answer of “I use Tweetgrid.” But I figured today I would share in more detail with a video of how to set it up for the best experience.
I made this quick video last Sunday evening while participating in #blogchat with Chris Brogan. I knew with someone as well known as Chris that this was going to be quite the wild ride. Without this setup, I never would have made it through the chat. While I know I missed a bunch, I know that I was able to participate and see much more by using this setup than if I had just tried using my standard Twitter plaftorm, Tweetdeck. Take a few minutes and watch to learn what I think is the easiest way to participate in a Twitter Chat:
So, if you have never participated in a Twitter chat, take a look at the schedule & find one that looks appealing to you. Set up Tweetgrid and enjoy the ride! And keep an eye out for me in those chats, I’m @jb140.
Good info. I haven’t really used Twitter much but you have given me a good reason to try it out as well as a way to keep up with it. Thanks.
Great info! I’ve used pre-configured TweetGrid, but have never configured it myself. Looks very easy!
I love Tweetgrid too; it’s a daily tool of mine, as well as my Twitterface pages.
Great video, Jeremy.