Over the past few days I’ve noticed more an more issues on Facebook with those I am connected to. For the longest of time things seemed to be going well. Then all of a sudden there seemed to be another mental lapse on how to use Facebook for business properly. I wrote yesterday about how to successfully tick off your fans on a Facebook Business Page. Well, this morning another common issue I have noticed on Facebook started running rampant again… people spamming you with events.
We have all had the invitations to a friends event on Facebook at sometime. I’ve heard that there are roughly 3.5 million events created on Facebook each month. If you are like me, you probably feel like you get invited to half of them. In my case though, I seem to be constantly invited to events that are nowhere near applicable to me. For example, today I was invited to an auction in San Clemente, CA. Curiosity got me, so I checked Google Maps, it’s only a mere 2,549 miles from where I live in South Carolina. No matter how amazing and awesome that house may be, the likelihood of me coming across the country to attend this event is almost zero. The same holds true for many more of the 1,300 other people invited to this event.
In fact, many wrote on the event wall complaining about being invited to an event they had no interest in attending or zero chance of traveling across the country to attend. I explain this whole situation a little better here:
So, before you invite everyone you know to your next Facebook Event, take a little bit of time to sort through those you are about to invite. Ask yourself this question: Will this person I invite be glad I sent the invitation or annoyed that I am sending them spam. If the answer is the latter, maybe you should refrain from sending it to them. Just because you invite over 1,000 doesn’t make your event more successful. Instead, inviting those who are likely to attend is a much better strategy to help you use Facebook for Business more effectively.
I can totally relate & appreciate. Just this week I was invited to a jewelry party in Dallas, Tx. Yeah, let me just hop on a plane & I will be right there.
If only we all owned a private jet plane, then maybe we would attend these, but since I don’t, I won’t be coming any time soon!
thanks for adding this video. liked your post and appreciate authors efforts!
I hate when people use Events as a form of advertising.
Well said.