I just returned yesterday from a fun trip to Charlotte for a conference. This trip wasn’t a speaking engagement for me, but just a fun time to socialize and network with friends. Whenever I go away for a few days on a business trip, coming home can be quite a chaotic thing. No matter how hard I try, the voicemail, email, Facebook messages, & tweets are always backed up. In fact, I updated my status this morning on Facebook & Twitter to say, “Today’s To-Do list is longer than the line at the DMV.” So I hastily made breakfast for the family and headed to the office to get started on the long day of catch-up. I barely took time to wish my new boy happy 5 weeks old as I ran into the office.
When I logged into Facebook I was greeted by a video from Jason. I saw it was a video of Scott Stratten of unmarketing. Since I have seen many of his speeches over the past few weeks that have been amazing, I couldn’t help but to click and watch right off the bat. I figured he was going to share some more awesomeness on successful uses of social media, so I clicked on the video and began to watch. I realized after about 60 seconds of watching the video, this was a different type of presentation. One though that may have more impact on me than any other presentation I have seen of his.
I could sit here and write for the next three days on the thoughts that I feel from his presentation. But instead, I think it is more appropriate to just share the video and allow you to make your own conclusions.
So thank you Scott for putting things back into perspective as to the important things in life that matter. Remember to take time to not only make a difference to those online, but also to your family and friends.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by 210 Consulting and TEDxOakville, Jeremy Blanton. Jeremy Blanton said: Just finished writing on the blog: Being a Big Deal isn't a Big Deal- Lessons from @unmarketing http://bit.ly/cuBLGr […]