This past year I’ve had the honor of traveling the country as a social media speaker sharing on all types of social media topics like using Facebook for business, how to blog, video basics, and many other topics. One of the top statements that I’ve heard this past year while traveling is some variation of this: “Twitter is stupid, I don’t get it” which normally leads into a discussion on how Twitter can be used to help your business.
Is Twitter Stupid or A Great Source of Traffic?
One of the things I usually try to point out to people is that Twitter is a great referring source of traffic to your site. During this past year, it is responsible for 22% of referring traffic. The only traffic referrer to beat it was Facebook at 33%. The bounce rates as well as time on site are very similar between the two social networks. So is Twitter stupid, or a great source of traffic? I’d have to say the latter.
Twitter Is Stupid, Only Celebrities Are There.
This is another common complaint I hear. Since you only hear of big name celebrities like Oprah or Justin Bieber on Twitter in the media, many thing that is the only people signing up and using the social network. Here’s a really great visualization of Twitter adoption in the US over the past few years:
Twitter is Stupid I Don’t Care What You Ate For Lunch
Why should someone care what you ate for lunch or what you did last night for fun. I get it, not everyone is going to care about everything you do. But, if you take some time listening to what others are doing, you can learn a tremendous amount of information about your sphere. And, build some of the strongest relationships with people. This past year I made a trip to Seattle to speak and while there some of my Twitter friends a meetup while I was in town. Thanks to my friends Stephanie, Dale, Linda, & Debra, & Chris, I spent a wonderful evening with a great group of friends, all that I mainly communicate with just through Twitter.
So while some may not care about those types of things, I cherish the friendships I have made through Twitter over the past year. I know more about some of my friends on Twitter from the other side of the country than friends of mine that live within 5 minutes of my home.
So Is Twitter Stupid or Valuable?
I am not going to force you to use Twitter in 2012, but as for my business, I know I will be continue to integrate Twitter into my online marketing strategy. If you are not sure how to get started there, that is understandable. Here’s a few great resources to get you going in the right direction:
- Get More Followers– Chris Brogan
- 7 Way To Be Hated on Twitter– 210 Consulting
- 50,000 Tweets and All I Got Was Everything– Scott Stratten
If you want to connect with me on Twitter, you can find me @JB140
Very nice!
he he cool